Friday, 12 June 2015

Young co-operators prepare the future of leadership Conference theme: Participation​


Young co-operators prepare
the future of leadership

Conference theme: Participation​


Young co-operators from around the world will develop and present a joint statement on leadership during the Alliance’s Global Conference in Antalya.

The statement is the expected outcome of a dedicated session of the Global Conference, during which young people will meet, discuss the challenges and opportunities of co-operative leadership and explore their vision for the future. 

The session will take the form of a People’s Movement Assembly, in order to make the discussions and decision-making as democratic as possible.

Are you 35 years of age or younger and want to participate in the Global Conference? Complete and return this form by 31 August for a reduced rate.

Register for the global conference


Co-operators, please share global conference news
within your region or your sector!

The Antalya 2015 Conference Secretariat
Tel. + 32 2 743 10 30  |  Fax + 32 2 743 10 39


Hosted by the National Cooperative Union of Turkey

Monday, 27 April 2015

BEd and MEd in special education

Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University, Kota is going to launch Special Teacher Training courses. You can get admission in:
1. Foundation Course FC (Special Education)
2. BEd (Special Education)
3. MEd (Special Education)
4. Post Graduate Professional Diploma (Special Education) PGPDSE
These courses are recognized by RCI / NCTE.
Job prospects are very high for these courses.

Sunday, 5 April 2015


                            TRUE COPY
Mr Atul Parmar
Baroda, Gujarat
Date 06, Feb 2015
Dear Sir,
This is in regard to your application for the post of Medical Officer (Naturopathy and Yoga).
Unfortunately, we had to reject your candidature because of these reasons:
1. You hold DNYS (Diploma in Naturopathy and Yogic Science) qualification through distance education from The Global Open University, Nagaland (TGOU). You appeared for examination from ********* centre in Gujarat.
2. DNYS diploma from TGOU is not approved or recognised by the council of Indian medicine.
3. Several examination centres of TGOU in Gujarat and also other states / cities outside Nagaland are notorious for providing At Home Examination for a bribe of a few thousand rupees.
4. But since TGOU is a statutory university, your DNYS diploma may be a recognized academic qualification but not a recognized medical qualification.
Yours faithfully,
Sunil S.
Manager (HR)

Insurance and Loan for Students and Teachers

Insurance for Students:
Insurance State Insurance and Provident Department provides insurance for students. The premium is Rs 25 and 50 per year and the sum assured is Rs 25000 and 50000. The principals of schools and colleges can contact the nearest office.
Insurance for Students and Teachers: There are several insurance plans available in the market. They require a considerable amount of premium. An alternative is to opt for State Bank’s Group Insurance (General Insurance) available to all Saving Bank account holders. The premium is Rs 100, Rs 200, Rs 400 ... per year and the assured amount is Rs 200000, Rs 400000 and so on. This is the best option since it is very cheap and reliable plan from highly reputed banks: SBI, SBBJ, SBT, SBP, SBM etc (State Bank Group).
Loan for Students and Teachers: Education loan is available from various banks. If you plan to apply for an education loan or any other type of loan from a bank, consider these points:
1. Always apply to reputed bank. Avoid applying to credit societies and non-banking entities. They may be cheaters.
2. Always apply through online application instead of offline. Avoid meeting the manager right away. S/he may insist on bribe for passing the file.
3. Ensure you have an active Saving Account with the bank which is at least 6 or 12 months old. Customers are given preference in loans. Better have a fixed deposit with bank. It will improve your reliability for considering for a loan.
Avoid giving bribe for passing of loan. Make written complaints to the higher officers if you are asked for bribe.

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Admission Open for PGD-ELT from RIESI, Bangalore (Session 2015-16)

Post Graduate Diploma in English Language Teaching
(Recognised by the State Governments of Karnataka and Andra Pradesh and Approved by the State Governments of Kerala and Tamil Nadu)

Duration: 1 year, correspondence-cum-contact programme

Eligibility: Any Graduate. Preferably BA (English) with BEd or DElEd

Last Date: 30 May 2015

Fees: Rs 250 (Application Fee) + 9000 (Course Fee) + Hostel Charges (Optional)

For details visit

Q. Is it equivalent to BEd or MEd?
A. No

Q.What are the job prospects after PGDELT?
A. If you are a Government English Teacher in Karnataka or AP, you may be eligible for Promotion and /or Increment. You may be preferred for the post of Trainers in BRCF/CRCF/ELTI for training English Teachers.
If you are a Private Teacher, you will have better job prospects comparing to English Teachers without ELT training.

Q. Will PGDELT alone suffice for job without BEd?
A. In one word, "No". Teacher's job can be got only after BEd or DElEd for teaching in Classes 1 to 10/12.   PGDELT is an additional qualification for English Teachers. However, in Higher Classes (Classes 11, 12 and above) PGDELT alone may be sufficient.It depends on the Employer.

plication forms can be had from the Director, Regional Institute of English, South India, Bengaluru by sending a crossed DD for Rs.250/- drawn in favour of the Director, RIESI, Bengaluru, payable at Bengaluru or it can also be downloaded from our website How to Apply Fill in the application form by giving all the details required and enclosing copies of certificates wherever necessary as proof. Mail all of them to "the Director, Regional Institute of English, South India, Jnanabharathi Campus, Bengaluru-560056"

Read more at:
Duration: One year distance mode A candidate is given four attempts to complete the course. In case if he / she fails to do so, he / she has to get re-admission to the course Objectives The course aims to help the students a) improve their proficiency in English language b) acquire knowledge and skills related to English language teaching c) become effective classroom teachers d) become aware of the need for continuous professional development e) acquire core trainer skills in English language teaching Eligibility A Graduate in any discipline (B.A./B.Sc/B.Com / BBM etc...) Fee: Rs.9000/- Application Fee: Rs.250/- (Cash or Demand Draft drawn in favour of Director, RIESI, Bengaluru) Academic Structure The different programmes related to the areas given below are coordinated by a team of qualified, experienced and committed members of faculty ably assisted by dedicated non-teaching staff i. Training ii. Research iii. Publication iv. English for Specific Purpose v. Staff Development and Media Application forms can be had from the Director, Regional Institute of English, South India, Bengaluru by sending a crossed DD for Rs.250/- drawn in favour of the Director, RIESI, Bengaluru, payable at Bengaluru or it can also be downloaded from our website How to Apply Fill in the application form by giving all the details required and enclosing copies of certificates wherever necessary as proof. Mail all of them to "the Director, Regional Institute of English, South India, Jnanabharathi Campus, Bengaluru-560056" Copies of certificates required to be enclosed: a) SSLC Marks Card (Date of Birth / Age proof); b) PUC Marks Card; c) Degree Marks Card (B.A /B.Sc/ B.Com/MA/ M.Sc/ M.Com); d) Photocopies with attestation by a Gazetted Officer; e) Enclose TWO stamp size photograph (for Identify Card & Admission Register) along with the application form Important Dates Last date for Issue of Applications: 30th May 2015 Last date for submitting the application form along with the fees is 30th May 2015 Date of Commencement: 01st June 2015 Final Examination Date: April / May 2016 Regional Institute of English, South India Jnanabharathi Campus, Bengaluru-560056, Email:, Website (Distance Education Courses)

Read more at:
Duration: One year distance mode A candidate is given four attempts to complete the course. In case if he / she fails to do so, he / she has to get re-admission to the course Objectives The course aims to help the students a) improve their proficiency in English language b) acquire knowledge and skills related to English language teaching c) become effective classroom teachers d) become aware of the need for continuous professional development e) acquire core trainer skills in English language teaching Eligibility A Graduate in any discipline (B.A./B.Sc/B.Com / BBM etc...) Fee: Rs.9000/- Application Fee: Rs.250/- (Cash or Demand Draft drawn in favour of Director, RIESI, Bengaluru) Academic Structure The different programmes related to the areas given below are coordinated by a team of qualified, experienced and committed members of faculty ably assisted by dedicated non-teaching staff i. Training ii. Research iii. Publication iv. English for Specific Purpose v. Staff Development and Media Application forms can be had from the Director, Regional Institute of English, South India, Bengaluru by sending a crossed DD for Rs.250/- drawn in favour of the Director, RIESI, Bengaluru, payable at Bengaluru or it can also be downloaded from our website How to Apply Fill in the application form by giving all the details required and enclosing copies of certificates wherever necessary as proof. Mail all of them to "the Director, Regional Institute of English, South India, Jnanabharathi Campus, Bengaluru-560056" Copies of certificates required to be enclosed: a) SSLC Marks Card (Date of Birth / Age proof); b) PUC Marks Card; c) Degree Marks Card (B.A /B.Sc/ B.Com/MA/ M.Sc/ M.Com); d) Photocopies with attestation by a Gazetted Officer; e) Enclose TWO stamp size photograph (for Identify Card & Admission Register) along with the application form Important Dates Last date for Issue of Applications: 30th May 2015 Last date for submitting the application form along with the fees is 30th May 2015 Date of Commencement: 01st June 2015 Final Examination Date: April / May 2016 Regional Institute of English, South India Jnanabharathi Campus, Bengaluru-560056, Email:, Website (Distance Education Courses)

Read more at:
Duration: One year distance mode A candidate is given four attempts to complete the course. In case if he / she fails to do so, he / she has to get re-admission to the course Objectives The course aims to help the students a) improve their proficiency in English language b) acquire knowledge and skills related to English language teaching c) become effective classroom teachers d) become aware of the need for continuous professional development e) acquire core trainer skills in English language teaching Eligibility A Graduate in any discipline (B.A./B.Sc/B.Com / BBM etc...) Fee: Rs.9000/- Application Fee: Rs.250/- (Cash or Demand Draft drawn in favour of Director, RIESI, Bengaluru) Academic Structure The different programmes related to the areas given below are coordinated by a team of qualified, experienced and committed members of faculty ably assisted by dedicated non-teaching staff i. Training ii. Research iii. Publication iv. English for Specific Purpose v. Staff Development and Media Application forms can be had from the Director, Regional Institute of English, South India, Bengaluru by sending a crossed DD for Rs.250/- drawn in favour of the Director, RIESI, Bengaluru, payable at Bengaluru or it can also be downloaded from our website How to Apply Fill in the application form by giving all the details required and enclosing copies of certificates wherever necessary as proof. Mail all of them to "the Director, Regional Institute of English, South India, Jnanabharathi Campus, Bengaluru-560056" Copies of certificates required to be enclosed: a) SSLC Marks Card (Date of Birth / Age proof); b) PUC Marks Card; c) Degree Marks Card (B.A /B.Sc/ B.Com/MA/ M.Sc/ M.Com); d) Photocopies with attestation by a Gazetted Officer; e) Enclose TWO stamp size photograph (for Identify Card & Admission Register) along with the application form Important Dates Last date for Issue of Applications: 30th May 2015 Last date for submitting the application form along with the fees is 30th May 2015 Date of Commencement: 01st June 2015 Final Examination Date: April / May 2016 Regional Institute of English, South India Jnanabharathi Campus, Bengaluru-560056, Email:, Website (Distance Education Courses)

Read more at:

Monday, 26 January 2015

International Essay Competition 2015

Creative Composition and Essay Competition
(You can write essay, speech, letter or poetry on the given topics)

Theme: The Youth
Born after 1st May 2001 (under 14 years)
1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of being young?
2. Imagine what the world will be like when you are an old person.
3. I am the future!
4. Imagine you are a young person living in a different part of the Commonwealth. What is life like for you?
Word Limit: 500 to 700 words

Born between 2nd May 1996 and 1st May 2001 (14-18 years)
1. What do you hope to achieve in your lifetime?
2. In 2030 you will no longer be young. What changes would you like to see in the world in 15 years’ time?
3. Youth versus experience.
4. Fresh perspectives. What can a young Commonwealth offer?
Word Limit: 1000 to 1400 words

Entry Fee: Free

Wednesday, 26 November 2014


Jodhpur National University, Jodhpur and Jaipur National University, Jaipur introduce Examination-at-Your-Door-Step, surpasses IGNOU in providing distance education to the students
Education Reporter, 26 November, Jodhpur National University and Jaipur National University, both private universities in Rajasthan, have reached the pinnacle in the field of providing distance education and private sitting examination. Recently the universities introduced the Examination at your door step system – a completely new and innovative system of examination. The student community and several working class people have welcomed the system positively. In this system, examinations are held through some franchisee located in almost all the cities and towns of Rajasthan and several other states of India. The students are given the question papers and answer sheets to carry home, solve them at leisure copying from the textbooks or guides and they are expected to return the filled up answer sheets the next day. This facility is available at a nominal fee of some thousand rupees. 

Many students including the ones who were considered dull in studies and working class people who are not able to continue their education but want a recognized qualification or degree for a job or for a promotion can easily get a UGC / State Government recognized degree or diploma without any effort. This is what the student community of India has always longed for.  There are several other advantages of this system: The students have no mental tension, there is no need to attend any classes; there has always been a scarcity of professors at higher education level in India, there is high percentage of passing, about 100%, students get free from rote memorizing the questions and answers. These all shall improve the level of education in India by reaching a coveted target of 100% graduate youth community. The new system is indeed a boon for people reluctant to study but aspire to get a recognized degree or diploma. 
Students aspiring to get a UGC recognized degree or diploma in general fields like, BA, MA, PG Diploma and professional courses like BCA, MCA, MBA with least effort should definitely opt for this system. 
It is noteworthy that this new system has surpassed the IGNOU introduced any time examination scheme, which gave the students to select the examination dates round the year. But that system did not have the facility of examination at your door steps. 
 Several private universities including the Global Open University, Nagaland have started this system of Examination at your doorstep  all over India. Now-a-days, all the newspaper classified ads are filled with offers for admission under this system. 

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Registration Open for NASCO Institute 2014

Registration is now open for NASCO Institute 2014, which will take place November 7-9 in Ann Arbor, Michigan. NASCO Institute is an exciting opportunity to meet and network with hundreds of co-opers from all over the U.S. and Canada, to deepen understandings of our movements, and to learn new cooperative skills.
 The deadline for the discounted early-bird rate is Friday, October 10, so register now on our website. Scholarship applications are due on Friday, September 26  - you can read more about our Low Income Scholarship Fund here.
 This year's conference theme "Co-ops for Life: Owning our Future," focuses on the importance of individual and organizational development as strategies for cross-sectoral movement building. This theme provides a space for you to reflect on your co-op's position in our broader movement, gain tools to support the sustainability of your organization in the long-term, and envision your own future as a cooperative leader and change agent. 
 Check out this year's schedule, course listings, and presenter bios - 2014 programming features seven course blocks filled with workshops on a wide variety of topics organized into six different course tracks (co-op skills, co-op development, anti-oppressive skills, the cooperative movement, large co-op specific tools, and topics for co-op staff and managers).
 Rather than showcasing only one keynote speaker this year, we'll be featuring two impressive speakers - Nikki Marín Baena, Co-Director of Cooperation Texas, will lead the keynote on Saturday and Rachel Plattus, Director of Youth and Student Organizing for the New Economy Coalition, will lead a plenary session on Sunday.
 Register on our website today! Our web registration system can accommodate group registration of up to 10 people at a time - if you require assistance with registration, particularly for larger groups, please email Rek Kwawer at If you have any questions about Institute in general, please email Morgan Crawford at
 In cooperation,
 The NASCO Staff
The Cooperative Skills Roundtables are designed as open, participatory spaces to build knowledge in areas that are key to running your co-op. Knowledgeable facilitators will guide the discussion, but more than anything roundtables will give participants a chance to hear how folks in the room have dealt with challenges at their own co-ops. Everyone will go home with a packet of resources which will also be available on the NASCO website.
Join Brian Van Slyke (Toolbox for Education & Social Action) & Charlie DeTar (NASCO Board) for a fun-filled evening as they share the games that they’ve created (Co-opoly, Moon Talk, and Flame War). Make a new friend, learn how Charlie and Brian created their games, and sharpen your cooperative skills all at once! This is guaranteed to be a good time.
Every year, the Banquet is a time for all participants of Institute to share the same space in reflection, over a hearty meal. We welcome new members to the movement and, in the Hall of Fame Ceremony, recognize individuals who have shown outstanding commitment to the cooperative movement through their hard work and tireless enthusiasm for cooperation. Those wishing to run for Active Member Representative will give brief speeches before members have the opportunity to vote for them.
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is where NASCO members can voice their opinions and engage in NASCO’s governance. This get-together gives delegates a chance to think and speak together as a broad and diverse membership about the future we envision for NASCO's co-op education, development, and organizing. It is also the forum for active members to nominate and elect an Active Member Representative (AMR). The AMR is elected by active member co-ops at Institute and serves a one-year term on the NASCO board of directors.
AGM delegates will receive a reduction in their registration fees (1 per co-op). The AGM will take place on Sunday morning, during Course Blocks 5 & 6. Breakfast will be served for participants. All are welcome to attend the AGM. Voting privileges will be limited to one delegate per NASCO active member co-op. If your co-op would like to join NASCO or renew your membership, or if you have questions about participating in the AGM, please contact Rek at
Is there something that you’ve always wanted to share or teach? Do you have a rad skill that you’d like to showcase in a skillshare? Would you like to present a workshop for your co-op, but need feedback from other cooperators first? Well, we clearly had you in mind when we chose to host a Guerrilla Workshop this year at the Institute. At any point on Saturday or Sunday, presenters are welcome to self-organize and use either of two rooms that are designated solely for Guerrilla Workshops. Bring a note or flyer to the Registration Desk, and we can even advertise it for you!
The ICC Ann Arbor is made up of 19 houses with unique personalities and rich history.  Born during the Great Depression, growing by leaps and bounds in the sixties and seventies, and still going strong in 2011, the ICC has a long history of student cooperation. Join us on a tour led by ICC Ann Arbor members to hear (and see) the dirt on the ICC.
Folks had so much fun on the Detroit Tour last year that we’re bringing it back again! Departing the University of Michigan Student Union in Ann Arbor at 11:00 am and returning around 5:00 pm, tour participants will visit and learn about cooperative and community-based organizations that are serving the Detroit community and changing the local economy. More information will be posted on our website as the tour schedule is finalized. An additional fee of $20 per person, payable on-site or with registration, covers round trip transportation with local tour guides.
Introduced in 2006, the Commons is the caffeinated haven of Institute. It serves as a space for networking, hanging out with friends, participating in skillshares, holding informal caucuses and meetings, relaxing, browsing the bookstores, and drinking coffee & tea. Open from early morning to late at night, this will be the place to take a break from the packed weekend and connect with other co-opers.
The Friday Night Film Festival has become an Institute tradition. This year, we’re screening SHIFT CHANGE to explore the ways that worker-owned cooperatives can combat economic inequality and create new economic realities.
SHIFT CHANGE is an inspiring documentary film produced by award-winning Northwest filmmakers Melissa Young and Mark Dworkin. At a time when many are disillusioned with big banks, big business, and growing inequality in the United States, employee ownership offers one of the solutions for workers and communities. SHIFT CHANGE visits thriving cooperative businesses in the U.S. and Spain, sharing on-the-ground experiences from the worker-owners on the front lines of the new economy.
In this interactive day-long intensive training on Saturday, the Catalyst Project will lead participants through developing visions for social change, exploring how institutional racism functions, and examining how white privilege undermines social justice efforts. We'll develop tools to build powerful multiracial movements for collective liberation. This workshop is geared towards white people; folks of all racial and ethnic identities are welcome to attend. In order to create a productive and interactive learning environment, participation will be limited to 30 people.
Caucuses are spaces for participants from similar identities to share experiences, strategize, and build power, as well as plan actions and draft proposals to bring to the AGM. Caucus participants elect a caucus chair to  keep each caucus active throughout the year and ti be an official representative to NASCO’s Diversity Congress. This year, the following caucuses will be organized: Women's Caucus; People of Color Caucus; Working Class Caucus; Queer/Trans Caucus; People with Disabilities Caucus; and the Collective Liberation Caucus.
The Collective Liberation Caucus is a forum to examine how our movements for liberation intersect with each other and to build our work based in a common vision of a liberated world.  How do our social justice efforts--fighting racism, working for gender justice or economic justice, creating collective access, and creating economic alternatives to capitalism--support each other?  What roles can we play to create more just institutions and a cooperative sector committed to justice?
Members of NASCO Development Services (NDS) investing member cooperatives, supporting members, potential members, former NDS clients, and former members will have the opportunity to learn about NDS's advocacy and development work. The luncheon is open to anyone interested in NDS's work.
Some free housing is available in local community homes and student housing co-ops. If you are interested in this option, you must fill out the application for community housing on the registration form. These spaces are limited, so please apply early. Rooms have also been reserved at local hotels for Institute participants and faculty. For more information about how to reserve these rooms at a discounted conference rate, please see our website.
In order to make Institute accessible for parents of young children, we provide referrals to experienced childcare providers who have agreed to be available during Saturday & Sunday of Institute on a sliding scale of $15-$30 per day. If you need childcare during Institute, please fill out the childcare section during registration. For more information, email Rek at
In order to keep transportation costs low, we encourage our participants to use low-cost travel alternatives (buses, trains, carpools) whenever possible. In an effort to facilitate the formation of carpools between different attendees, we've created a rideshare board using a third-party website. To use this board, please follow this link to post a ride or join a waitlist for future rides.
We actively strive to create an event that is fully accessible for all who wish to participate. We aim to avoid replicating the barriers in society that exclude and marginalize people. We are doing the following to ensure that the 2014 NASCO Institute is accessible:
+Offering need-based scholarships
+Making affordable childcare available
+Taking care to house participants in co-ops where they will feel safe and affirmed
+Assuring that conference sites, including all restrooms, are wheelchair accessible
+Asking about personal access needs in our registration form
+Displaying ingredients lists for all meals; including vegan, vegetarian and meat options
+Encouraging and supporting the participation of people identifying with historically marginalized groups within NASCO's membership
+Providing gender neutral restroom facilities as well as education on their necessity
+Asking that participants refrain from wearing strong smelling lotions, perfumes, or other chemically-scented body products (such as shampoo, body wash, and deodorant)
+Requesting that presenters speak loudly and clearly, respecting the needs of those who have impaired hearing
+Designating a quiet room where participants can take a break and rest
+Creating safer spaces for people of similar identities to caucus
+Providing materials in a variety of formats
+All of our attempts to equalize access are made within the limits of current resources and therefore are not perfect. However, we welcome suggestions for improvement and will do our best to implement them. 
For accessibility requests, please list them when you register or contact Rek at We appreciate your help in making the 2014 NASCO Institute an event that is welcoming and accessible to all who attend.

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