Showing posts with label Rupees. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rupees. Show all posts

Friday, 20 September 2013

International Drawing Competition 2013

Food for a Healthy World: The 2013 International Drawing Competition

Open to ALL children and young people from 6 to 20 years old.

The drawing should reflect an issue concerning nutritious foods.  

  1. Drawings should be on white A4-size or letter-size paper in the round or square frames provided in the annexed templates. The diameter of the round frame and length of the square should be 18 cm. Pictures not submitted in this format cannot be considered in the competition.
  2. Drawings should be submitted giving the full name, date of birth, country and postal and/or email address of the participant. Drawings submitted without this information cannot be considered in the competition.
  3. Remind your group that the drawing could be used for making small badges and large posters! Encourage them to use bright, bold colours. Participants may use drawing materials of any type: pens, pencils, paints, with the exception of crayons as they do not reproduce well. They are also allowed to use computer graphic programmes.
  4. The drawings must be the child’s or youth’s original creation. Most importantly, they should use their imagination and have lots of fun!

Last Date: 01 Oct 2013

Send your drawing by email to yunga(at)fao(dot)org


Prizes of US$500 will be awarded to the winner of each age group (6-10, 11-15 and 16-20 years old), US$200 will be awarded to the runner up of each age group and US$100 will be awarded to the third best drawing of each age group. In addition, Certificates of Recognition, signed by a United Nations official and a special gift to the schools of the winning artworks will be given.


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