Wednesday, 26 November 2014


Jodhpur National University, Jodhpur and Jaipur National University, Jaipur introduce Examination-at-Your-Door-Step, surpasses IGNOU in providing distance education to the students
Education Reporter, 26 November, Jodhpur National University and Jaipur National University, both private universities in Rajasthan, have reached the pinnacle in the field of providing distance education and private sitting examination. Recently the universities introduced the Examination at your door step system – a completely new and innovative system of examination. The student community and several working class people have welcomed the system positively. In this system, examinations are held through some franchisee located in almost all the cities and towns of Rajasthan and several other states of India. The students are given the question papers and answer sheets to carry home, solve them at leisure copying from the textbooks or guides and they are expected to return the filled up answer sheets the next day. This facility is available at a nominal fee of some thousand rupees. 

Many students including the ones who were considered dull in studies and working class people who are not able to continue their education but want a recognized qualification or degree for a job or for a promotion can easily get a UGC / State Government recognized degree or diploma without any effort. This is what the student community of India has always longed for.  There are several other advantages of this system: The students have no mental tension, there is no need to attend any classes; there has always been a scarcity of professors at higher education level in India, there is high percentage of passing, about 100%, students get free from rote memorizing the questions and answers. These all shall improve the level of education in India by reaching a coveted target of 100% graduate youth community. The new system is indeed a boon for people reluctant to study but aspire to get a recognized degree or diploma. 
Students aspiring to get a UGC recognized degree or diploma in general fields like, BA, MA, PG Diploma and professional courses like BCA, MCA, MBA with least effort should definitely opt for this system. 
It is noteworthy that this new system has surpassed the IGNOU introduced any time examination scheme, which gave the students to select the examination dates round the year. But that system did not have the facility of examination at your door steps. 
 Several private universities including the Global Open University, Nagaland have started this system of Examination at your doorstep  all over India. Now-a-days, all the newspaper classified ads are filled with offers for admission under this system. 

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Registration Open for NASCO Institute 2014

Registration is now open for NASCO Institute 2014, which will take place November 7-9 in Ann Arbor, Michigan. NASCO Institute is an exciting opportunity to meet and network with hundreds of co-opers from all over the U.S. and Canada, to deepen understandings of our movements, and to learn new cooperative skills.
 The deadline for the discounted early-bird rate is Friday, October 10, so register now on our website. Scholarship applications are due on Friday, September 26  - you can read more about our Low Income Scholarship Fund here.
 This year's conference theme "Co-ops for Life: Owning our Future," focuses on the importance of individual and organizational development as strategies for cross-sectoral movement building. This theme provides a space for you to reflect on your co-op's position in our broader movement, gain tools to support the sustainability of your organization in the long-term, and envision your own future as a cooperative leader and change agent. 
 Check out this year's schedule, course listings, and presenter bios - 2014 programming features seven course blocks filled with workshops on a wide variety of topics organized into six different course tracks (co-op skills, co-op development, anti-oppressive skills, the cooperative movement, large co-op specific tools, and topics for co-op staff and managers).
 Rather than showcasing only one keynote speaker this year, we'll be featuring two impressive speakers - Nikki Marín Baena, Co-Director of Cooperation Texas, will lead the keynote on Saturday and Rachel Plattus, Director of Youth and Student Organizing for the New Economy Coalition, will lead a plenary session on Sunday.
 Register on our website today! Our web registration system can accommodate group registration of up to 10 people at a time - if you require assistance with registration, particularly for larger groups, please email Rek Kwawer at If you have any questions about Institute in general, please email Morgan Crawford at
 In cooperation,
 The NASCO Staff
The Cooperative Skills Roundtables are designed as open, participatory spaces to build knowledge in areas that are key to running your co-op. Knowledgeable facilitators will guide the discussion, but more than anything roundtables will give participants a chance to hear how folks in the room have dealt with challenges at their own co-ops. Everyone will go home with a packet of resources which will also be available on the NASCO website.
Join Brian Van Slyke (Toolbox for Education & Social Action) & Charlie DeTar (NASCO Board) for a fun-filled evening as they share the games that they’ve created (Co-opoly, Moon Talk, and Flame War). Make a new friend, learn how Charlie and Brian created their games, and sharpen your cooperative skills all at once! This is guaranteed to be a good time.
Every year, the Banquet is a time for all participants of Institute to share the same space in reflection, over a hearty meal. We welcome new members to the movement and, in the Hall of Fame Ceremony, recognize individuals who have shown outstanding commitment to the cooperative movement through their hard work and tireless enthusiasm for cooperation. Those wishing to run for Active Member Representative will give brief speeches before members have the opportunity to vote for them.
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is where NASCO members can voice their opinions and engage in NASCO’s governance. This get-together gives delegates a chance to think and speak together as a broad and diverse membership about the future we envision for NASCO's co-op education, development, and organizing. It is also the forum for active members to nominate and elect an Active Member Representative (AMR). The AMR is elected by active member co-ops at Institute and serves a one-year term on the NASCO board of directors.
AGM delegates will receive a reduction in their registration fees (1 per co-op). The AGM will take place on Sunday morning, during Course Blocks 5 & 6. Breakfast will be served for participants. All are welcome to attend the AGM. Voting privileges will be limited to one delegate per NASCO active member co-op. If your co-op would like to join NASCO or renew your membership, or if you have questions about participating in the AGM, please contact Rek at
Is there something that you’ve always wanted to share or teach? Do you have a rad skill that you’d like to showcase in a skillshare? Would you like to present a workshop for your co-op, but need feedback from other cooperators first? Well, we clearly had you in mind when we chose to host a Guerrilla Workshop this year at the Institute. At any point on Saturday or Sunday, presenters are welcome to self-organize and use either of two rooms that are designated solely for Guerrilla Workshops. Bring a note or flyer to the Registration Desk, and we can even advertise it for you!
The ICC Ann Arbor is made up of 19 houses with unique personalities and rich history.  Born during the Great Depression, growing by leaps and bounds in the sixties and seventies, and still going strong in 2011, the ICC has a long history of student cooperation. Join us on a tour led by ICC Ann Arbor members to hear (and see) the dirt on the ICC.
Folks had so much fun on the Detroit Tour last year that we’re bringing it back again! Departing the University of Michigan Student Union in Ann Arbor at 11:00 am and returning around 5:00 pm, tour participants will visit and learn about cooperative and community-based organizations that are serving the Detroit community and changing the local economy. More information will be posted on our website as the tour schedule is finalized. An additional fee of $20 per person, payable on-site or with registration, covers round trip transportation with local tour guides.
Introduced in 2006, the Commons is the caffeinated haven of Institute. It serves as a space for networking, hanging out with friends, participating in skillshares, holding informal caucuses and meetings, relaxing, browsing the bookstores, and drinking coffee & tea. Open from early morning to late at night, this will be the place to take a break from the packed weekend and connect with other co-opers.
The Friday Night Film Festival has become an Institute tradition. This year, we’re screening SHIFT CHANGE to explore the ways that worker-owned cooperatives can combat economic inequality and create new economic realities.
SHIFT CHANGE is an inspiring documentary film produced by award-winning Northwest filmmakers Melissa Young and Mark Dworkin. At a time when many are disillusioned with big banks, big business, and growing inequality in the United States, employee ownership offers one of the solutions for workers and communities. SHIFT CHANGE visits thriving cooperative businesses in the U.S. and Spain, sharing on-the-ground experiences from the worker-owners on the front lines of the new economy.
In this interactive day-long intensive training on Saturday, the Catalyst Project will lead participants through developing visions for social change, exploring how institutional racism functions, and examining how white privilege undermines social justice efforts. We'll develop tools to build powerful multiracial movements for collective liberation. This workshop is geared towards white people; folks of all racial and ethnic identities are welcome to attend. In order to create a productive and interactive learning environment, participation will be limited to 30 people.
Caucuses are spaces for participants from similar identities to share experiences, strategize, and build power, as well as plan actions and draft proposals to bring to the AGM. Caucus participants elect a caucus chair to  keep each caucus active throughout the year and ti be an official representative to NASCO’s Diversity Congress. This year, the following caucuses will be organized: Women's Caucus; People of Color Caucus; Working Class Caucus; Queer/Trans Caucus; People with Disabilities Caucus; and the Collective Liberation Caucus.
The Collective Liberation Caucus is a forum to examine how our movements for liberation intersect with each other and to build our work based in a common vision of a liberated world.  How do our social justice efforts--fighting racism, working for gender justice or economic justice, creating collective access, and creating economic alternatives to capitalism--support each other?  What roles can we play to create more just institutions and a cooperative sector committed to justice?
Members of NASCO Development Services (NDS) investing member cooperatives, supporting members, potential members, former NDS clients, and former members will have the opportunity to learn about NDS's advocacy and development work. The luncheon is open to anyone interested in NDS's work.
Some free housing is available in local community homes and student housing co-ops. If you are interested in this option, you must fill out the application for community housing on the registration form. These spaces are limited, so please apply early. Rooms have also been reserved at local hotels for Institute participants and faculty. For more information about how to reserve these rooms at a discounted conference rate, please see our website.
In order to make Institute accessible for parents of young children, we provide referrals to experienced childcare providers who have agreed to be available during Saturday & Sunday of Institute on a sliding scale of $15-$30 per day. If you need childcare during Institute, please fill out the childcare section during registration. For more information, email Rek at
In order to keep transportation costs low, we encourage our participants to use low-cost travel alternatives (buses, trains, carpools) whenever possible. In an effort to facilitate the formation of carpools between different attendees, we've created a rideshare board using a third-party website. To use this board, please follow this link to post a ride or join a waitlist for future rides.
We actively strive to create an event that is fully accessible for all who wish to participate. We aim to avoid replicating the barriers in society that exclude and marginalize people. We are doing the following to ensure that the 2014 NASCO Institute is accessible:
+Offering need-based scholarships
+Making affordable childcare available
+Taking care to house participants in co-ops where they will feel safe and affirmed
+Assuring that conference sites, including all restrooms, are wheelchair accessible
+Asking about personal access needs in our registration form
+Displaying ingredients lists for all meals; including vegan, vegetarian and meat options
+Encouraging and supporting the participation of people identifying with historically marginalized groups within NASCO's membership
+Providing gender neutral restroom facilities as well as education on their necessity
+Asking that participants refrain from wearing strong smelling lotions, perfumes, or other chemically-scented body products (such as shampoo, body wash, and deodorant)
+Requesting that presenters speak loudly and clearly, respecting the needs of those who have impaired hearing
+Designating a quiet room where participants can take a break and rest
+Creating safer spaces for people of similar identities to caucus
+Providing materials in a variety of formats
+All of our attempts to equalize access are made within the limits of current resources and therefore are not perfect. However, we welcome suggestions for improvement and will do our best to implement them. 
For accessibility requests, please list them when you register or contact Rek at We appreciate your help in making the 2014 NASCO Institute an event that is welcoming and accessible to all who attend.

Friday, 4 July 2014

Earn your M.Ed. online for half the cost. Textbooks included!‏

A teaching degree from Western Governors University can give you more—more knowledge, more teaching expertise, and more career advancement.
WGU offers competency-based, NCATE-accredited, online master’s degree programs at an affordable price (under $6,000 per year).

Featured Degree Programs:

M.A. English Language Learning/English as a Second Language (PreK-12)
Learn to teach effectively in ELL or ESL settings and become a vital asset for your school.

M.Ed. Instructional Design
Meet the demands of the 21st-century classroom by learning how to use technology in the classroom, all while gaining the skills that will allow you to focus on curricular development.

M.Ed. Learning and Technology
Improve your technology integration skills and advance your career. This degree program will help you discover new and better ways to teach.

Additional Programs:

The WGU Teachers College offers 12 master's degree programs designed for currently licensed teachers who want to advance their careers. 

Monday, 23 June 2014

A School as a Living Entity

A School as a Living Entity

Rea Taylor Gill
The Growth and Development of a School as a Living Entity
In what way can a school be seen as a living entity? When a school's operating systems and organizational structure are intentionally differentiated based on Threefold principles the school becomes a dynamic, effective and vibrant entity. In this thorough and clearly written book, the author explains how the people who serve in a cultural organization like a school can guide its healthy development. The foreword is written by Torin Finser.
Table of Contents

Chapter 1
Introduction: Emerging Hypothesis

Chapter 2
Organizations - Dead or Alive

Chapter 3
Human Systems and the Correlation with Organizational Systems
Differentiation of the Human Being
The Human Nerve-Sense System and the Pedagogical Sphere of Activity in a Waldorf School
The Human Rhythmic System and the Governance (Legal-Financial) Sphere of Activity in a Waldorf School
The Human Metabolic System and the Community & Resource Development Sphere of Activity in a Waldorf School
Translating the Threefold Form and Function to a Waldorf School
Phases of Organizational Development

Chapter 4
Action Research: Implementation of a Threefold Structure
Review of Hypothesis, Research, Development Methods and Methodology
Implementation of a Threefold Governance Structure at the Vancouver Waldorf School

Chapter 5
Conclusions and Next Steps
Additional Information
Waldorf Publications
ISBN 978-1-936367-18-4
212 pages
7 x 9 inches

Friday, 20 June 2014

Global conference in Antalya, Turkey

The International Co-operative Alliance will hold its next global conference in Antalya, Turkey during the week of 9-13 November. The theme is “Towards 2020: What will your co-operative look like”?
Youth are a very important part of the future of the co-operative movement and are included in the Blueprint for a Co-operative Decade found at Therefore, we would like to encourage the youth movement to be part of the conference instead of holding a separate youth conference as in the past.
We need your help – please provide us with any ideas you have of excellent youth speakers who could speak during the conference as well as any ideas you have for sub-themes during the conference workshops. Please provide these ideas to Rodrigo Gouveia, Director of Policy at
Estimada Red de Juventud Cooperativa mundial:
La Alianza Cooperativa Internacional mantendrá su próxima Conferencia en Antalya, Turquía, durante la semana del 9 al 13 de noviembre. El tema es “Hacia el 2020: ¿Cómo se verá tu cooperativa?”
La juventud es una parte importante del futuro del movimiento cooperativo y está incluida en el Blueprint para una Década Cooperativa, que puedes encontrar en Por lo tanto, queremos animar al movimiento de la juventud a ser parte de la Conferencia, en vez de mantener una conferencia de juventud por separado, como en el pasado.
Para ello necesitamos tu ayuda – por favor envíanos aquellas ideas que tengas de oradores jóvenes que puedan hablar durante la conferencia, así como cualquier otra idea que tengas sobre temáticas para los talleres que se desarrollarán durante la conferencia. Por favor, envía estas ideas a Rodrigo Gouveia, Director de Política,
With best regards

Gretchen Hacquard

Director of Membership

International Co-operative Alliance

Email: | Skype: ica_warner | Direct Telephone: +41 22 534 99 29
Global Office: Alliance Coopérative Internationale - AISBL
Avenue Milcamps 105, 1030 Brussels, Belgium
Telephone: +32 (0) 2 743 10 30 Fax: +32 (0) 2 743 10 39

Friday, 6 June 2014

Comparison between IGNOU University, New Delhi and TGOU University, Nagaland

              Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi
                 The Global Open University, Nagaland, Dimapur 

                                   Comparison between 
                         IGNOU University, New Delhi 
                           TGOU University, Nagaland
Point of Comparison
UGC recognition
DEB recognition
No or Not Clear
Course Material Quantity
Unnecessarily  High
Very Low
Course Material Quality
Very Good
Pass Out Percentage
Very High
Marks awarding to students
Moderate to Low
Course Fee
Moderate to Low
Job Prospects
Cheating in Examination
High to Very High
Reputation among People
Reputation among employers
Moderate to High
Low to Very Low

* As per the author’s own experience and opinion.
*Not based on a scientific research

This table will help the students to choose University for their career courses. It will also help in answering the following questions:
  • Is degree from Global University Nagaland is valid or not?
  • Is M.A in English from Global Open University Nagaland valid for government jobs?
  • What is the future value of degree from Global Open University, Nagaland?
  • Is global open university(Nagaland), recognized by UGC? Is it's certificate valid?
  • Is Global Open University in Nagaland recognized by UGC?
  • Is Global open university Nagaland UGC recognized?
  • Is global open university nagaland recognized by UGC or AICTE?
  • Can I join bank PO service after completing graduation from Global Open University?
  • How good is Global Open University in Nagaland?
  • Is the Global Open university of Nagaland recognized by UGC?
  • Is the M.Phil degree from Global Open University valid for government job? Is it UGC recognized? After completing this course am I eligible to take admission in central university? 
  • Is MBA from Global Open University Nagaland approved by Government?
  • Wednesday, 4 June 2014

    Walk In Interview- Indian Institute of Teacher Education

                                                    Indian Institute of Teacher Education
    Ramkrishna Paramhans Shaikshanik Sankul,NR.Mahatma Mandir, KH Road,                                Sector- 15,Gandhinagar-382016

                                             Phone No. :079- 23243733/34, Fax No. :079- 23288016

                                                                Walk In Interview
    Walk In Interview to appoint and to prepare list of candidates to be invited, as
    and when required, for the post of Assistant Professor on contractual basis for
    various subjects and Lab Assistants for Physics, Chemistry and Biology Laboratory:
    Total no. of Posts – Assistant Proffessor : 12
    Total no. of Posts – Lab Assistant : 03
    Date : 08/06/2014
    Registration Time : 9:30 to 10:30 A.M.
    Time of Interview : 10:30 A.M. Onwards
    Venue : Indian Institute of Teacher Education, Ramkrishna Shaikshanik Sankul,
    Near Mahatma Mandir, Sector-15, KH Road, Gandhinagar-382016.

    Note :
    1) No TA/DA will be reimbursed.
    2) Only those candidates who are present at the time of registration will be
    eligible for Interveiw. Candidates must reach the venue before the
    3) In case of any dispute, the decision of Vice-Chancellor shall be final and
    abiding to all.
    4) The University has its all discretionary powers to increase or to decrease
    the number of vacant positions.

    Details of Post and Recruitment Rules/Norms :
    General Instructions :
    1) All the mentioned post are purely on temporary basis.
    2) Any of the UGC,NCTE, Govt. of Gujarat and/or University stipulated norms
    shall be binding to all applicants. If suitable candidate are not found for a
    particular post or subject, relaxation may be given by the University, as and
    when required.
    3) Applicants must have competency to teach any of the subjects in English
    Medium even for those who have to teach Maths, Science, Hindi, Sanskrit
    and Social Science Methods as the institution has English as Medium of
    4) A relaxation of 5% at the graduate and master’s level for the candidates
    belonging to SC/ST/differently-abled categories. The eligibility of 55% marks
    (or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is
    followed) and the relaxation of 5% to the categories mentioned above are
    permissible, based on only the qualifying marks excluding grace marks if
    5) The candidates who are or have been awarded a Ph.D. Degree in
    accordance with the UGC (Minimum Standard and Procedure for Award of
    Ph.D. Degree) Regulation, 2009 shall be exempted from the requirement of
    the minimum eligibility condition of NET/SLET/SET for which, in notification
    of Ph.D. it should have clearly mentioned that the candidate has been
    awarded Ph.D. with UGC (Minimum Standard and Procedure for Award of
    Ph.D. Degree) Regulation, 2009.
    In case the notification for Ph.D. does not mention the stipulation as
    above, the candidate shall have to submit a certificate duly signed by
    the Registrar of the University with regard to the Ph.D. being in
    accordance with the UGC (Minimum Standard and Procedure for
    Award of Ph.D. Degree) Regulation, 2009.

    6) Basic Skill and Knowledge of Computer.
    7) Staff appointed for the purpose may have to work at any of the places
    within the jurisdiction of the University.

    Certificate in Teaching of English from ELTI, Bikaner, Rajasthan

    Certificate in Teaching of English from ELTI, Bikaner, Rajasthan is available for English teachers in Rajasthan, preferably the government teachers.
    It is a one year correspondence courses with face to face contact classes.
    ELTI is the state government institute of Rajasthan and promoted by the EFL University, Hyderabad.
    CTE course is a refresher course, an in-service teacher training and helps in promotion of the teachers.

    For admission detail please contact the ELTI, Bikaner.

    Monday, 2 June 2014

    TGOU university does not count the marks of Master's Thesis

    TGOU university, Nagaland does not count the marks of Master's Thesis for Postgraduate degrees and the Bachelor's Thesis in the Bachelor Degrees offered through distance education.
    If there are 5 papers in the First Year and 5 papers in the Second year, the marks are counted out of 1000 for percentage. It should have counted 100 marks for Thesis also, nor does it depict in the marksheet anything about the Thesis. In the rules, however, it mentions that every student has to submit a thesis before appearing of the final examination.

    Some courses have only 4 papers in the second year.

    Moreover, the courses of TGOU are not recognised by the Distance Education Bureau (DEB) of UGC. The University has also not updated the students with any news of whether they are doing anything to get recognition from the DEB.

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