1. प्राणातिपातात् विरत: शिक्षापदं समाददे।
I undertake the training of abstaining from killing living creatures.
2 अदत्तादानात् विरत: शिक्षापदं समाददे।
I undertake the training of abstaining from taking what is not given.
3 काममिथ्याचारात् विरत: शिक्षापदं समाददे।
I undertake the training of abstaining from sexual misconduct.
4 मृषावादात् विरत: शिक्षापदं समाददे।
I undertake the training of abstaining from false speech.
5 सुरामैरेयप्रमादस्थानात् विरत: शिक्षापदं समाददे।
I undertake the training of abstaining from intoxicants that cause heedlessness.
(*Translated into Sanskrit from the original Pali by Dr Praveen Pandya, Sanchore)