This is an online Helpsite for Students and Teachers. You get information about courses, especially distance education, from recognised universities and institutes in India and other countries. Your queries regarding recognition of universities or courses are answered. You also get information on books, educational toys etc. and many freebies!!!
Saturday, 31 October 2020
Diploma Course in Guidance and Counselling – 2021
Wednesday, 28 October 2020
Fight against Corruption
Sunday, 25 October 2020
Join NIDM e-learning Courses
The National Institute of Disaster Management, New Delhi
The Institute is offering Online Courses on Disaster Risk Management in collaboration with the World Bank (GFDRR) Washington. The aim of this Programme is to raise the level of Awareness and Preparedness as well as to enhance analytical skills and professional competencies of distant key stakeholders in different areas of Disaster Risk Management.
The ten (10) courses including Basic and Specialized offered by NIDM are as under:
1. Comprehensive Disaster Risk Management Framework (CDRMF)
2. Community Based Disaster Risk Management (CBDRM)
3. Climate Change and Disaster Risk (ClC)4. Earthquake Risk Reduction(ERR)
4. Risk Identification, Assessment and Analysis (RA)
5. Safer Cities (SC)
6. Financial Strategies for Managing Economic Impacts of Disasters (FS)
7. Risk Sensitive Land Use Planning (RSLUP)
8. Gender Aspects of Disaster Recovery and Reconstruction (GENDER)
9. Damage and Reconstruction Needs Assessment (DRNA)
These courses are beneficial for:
General Development Practitioners, Central & Local Government Officials, Policy Makers, Corporate & private Sector Professionals, Professionals from UNO, World Bank, Red Cross & Red
Crescent etc., Teachers and Students of Technical, Non Technical & Research Institutions, Universities etc., Consultants, Researchers &Academicians, NGO & INGO Professionals
For details visit:
Thursday, 22 October 2020
Rajasthan REET 2020
REET stands for Rajasthan Eligibility Examination for Teachers and is a recruitment test for Primary and Elementary teachers (Grade III) in government schools of Rajasthan. It is also the recognised Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) under the RTE Act, 2009 and a minimum qualification for the appointment for the post of Primary Teacher and Trained Graduate Teacher (Grade III) and Grade II.
TET of the central government i.e. CTET certificate and of the other states are valid for lifetime.
Government of Rajasthan will soon announce the REET 2020 for recruiting about 31000 teachers.
Eligibility to sit the Test:
Level I (to teach Classes 1 to 5): (1) DElEd or equivalent
OR (2) BEd or equivalent with PDPET (Bridge Course)
OR (3) BElEd
Level II (to teach Classes 6 to 8): (1) Graduation with DElEd or equivalent
OR (2) BEd or equivalent
OR (3) BElEd
(A detailed and authorised list is declared by the NCTE, New Delhi.)
Fees: Rs 500 for any one Level
Rs 750 for both the Level.
Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan, Ajmer holds the REET Exam.
Date of Application: Starts soon, date yet to be declared.
Website: Link will be provided at:
Wednesday, 21 October 2020
CTET and State TET under RTE Act to have lifetime validity
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