Sunday, 11 November 2018

School Based Activities for PDPET programme

The School Based Activities constitute an essential component of the PDPET programme. Apart from the classroom teaching, a school teacher is also responsible for a number of scholastic and school management related activities. As an efficient and competent teacher you have to always maintain a comprehensive record of entire learners’ performance pertaining to continuous and comprehensive evaluation, socio-emotional behaviour, and other significant information about their aptitude, interests etc. Starting from addressing morning assembly in general and many others specific activities are regularly conducted in the school system. You are expected to develop skills and competencies in you conducive for organizing such activities in actual school settings.

School based activities provide you firsthand exposure to the systematic schooling procedure. It enables you to develop your own understanding of the realities of working with mentors and children in school situations. You will carry out scientific observation in school setting under the supervision of mentors/supervisor who ar easked to guide your performance. School based Activities enable you to develop the professional expertise and understanding as a Qualified Teacher in practical sense.
This programme will be conducted during the course, given weightage of 2 credits. You are required to conduct the activities in your respective school settings. Faculty of DIET and College of Education will be your mentors/ supervisors. From the observation, you need to make reports on your activities and have to make a portfolio. There will be no final examination for this course as the main focus is on your participation. 
These activities have been selected out of a long range of activities on the basis of their needs and importance in school functioning. The total number of activities identified for this purpose is listed below under each group.You are required to conduct activities according to the list mentioned under each group. You will organize/conduct these activities under the active guidance/supervision of the mentor/supervisor There are four groups of School Based Activities(SBA). A minimum of one activity is to be carried out from each of the groups (A, B and C) whereas a minimum of one activity from  section(i &iii) and two activities from section (ii) are to be carried out from group D, thus, total of seven activities will be carried out by every student teacher. Report of School Based Activities (SBA)to be submitted during the workshop, which will be assessed and marks/grades will be assigned accordingly. Each activity in Group A, B and C carries twenty (20) marks and activity from Group D carries 10 marks each from section (i &iii) i.e. 2x10= 20 marks and 20 marks from section (ii) i.e. 20+20=40 marks from Group D.

School Based Activities(SBA) carries 100 marks.
Any one Activity from Group A, B, C &Two Activity from Group D will be evaluated by the
Supervisor i.e. only Three activities will be evaluated by the Supervisor.
Two activities from Group A, B, C &Two Activity from Group D will be evaluated by the
Mentor i.e. onlyFour activities will be evaluated by the Mentor.
One activity from Sub-section (i), two activities from Sub-section (ii) and one activity
from Sub-section (iii).
(Any one activity is to be carried out from this group)
• Critically examine the provisions made in the RTE ACT- 2009 regarding roles and
responsibilities of teachers in your own school context.
• Organise a group discussion in the presence of mentor on the guiding principles of
NCF 2005 and prepare a report on the main points emerging from the discussion.
• Prepare a report on status of elementary education in your cluster with reference to
access, enrolment, retention and drop out and initiatives taken to check dropouts.
• Read code of conduct applicable in your school and analyze its role in developing
conducive school environment.
• Collect at least two stories from various sources (Folk tale/ Panchtantra/ Jathak
Katha/ freedom struggle and patriotic stories , Textbooks, etc.) and identify values
that are promoted through stories.
(Any one activity is to be carried out from this group)
• Collect twenty news paper clippings on child right violation/abuse, give their
summary and suggest ways/mechanisms to generate awareness about child rights.
• Organise a game in the school and observe children at play and analyse how it affects
their affective and cognitive development
• Prepare a case profile of a child from your neighbourhood.
• Map children’s talk what they interact among peers.
• Identify behavioural issues/problems among children in your school and develop a
mechanism for overcoming these problems with the help of parents.
(Any one activity is to be carried out from this group)
• Organise teaching in a multi-gradeclassroom and identify challenges and ways to
overcome them in this situation.
• Identify some instances that reflect gender discrimination in your community and
suggest ways to eliminate such gender bias.
• Use your mobile phone to develop an audio and/or video of five (05) minutes
duration and use as it a teaching aid in your classroom and prepare a report on it.
• Identify the steps you will take for maintaining cleanliness in your school campus &
classrooms and use yours student’s art work for beautifying the campus.
• Identify the locally available food, fruits & vegetables and indicate their nutritious
(One activity from section (i &iii) and two activities from section( ii) is to be carried
out from this group)
• Prepare five jumble word games
• Prepare a set of flash cards and explain how do you plan to use it in your classroom
• Organize one language game
• Organize Picture Reading activity
• Organize a one Role Play focusing on expressions of dialogue delivery by children.
• Word map and word chain
• Prepare a First Aid kit
• List the natural resources available in your surrounding and their use in teachinglearning.
• Identify causes of pollution in your locality and suggest ways to deal with it.
• Identify common superstitious practices prevalent in your community and suggest
ways to eradicate them.
• Develop a concept map on any topic of your choice in EVS/ Science.
• Prepare a guide map of your locality with important land marks.
• Collect pictures related to diversity in your state or India and prepare a collage.
• Develop a map of local resources like river, canal, ponds, agricultural crops,
horticulture and floriculture in your area.
• Document contributions of women in the freedom struggle from your state.
• Prepare a Teaching Learning Material (TLM) to help learners in identifying shapes.
• Interview 50 people in your community about their yogic practices & prepare a table
and show it in the form of graphs.
• Take Photographs of some monuments and find out the symmetry and patterns being
followed in them
• Design a mathematical game (indoor/outdoor) through which you may teach the four
• Diagnose learning difficulties that children face while learning mathematics in your
class suggests ways to overcome them.
The School Based Activities as listed above are to be organized at your work place. The
schedules of these activities are to be prepared by you in consultation with the
mentor/supervisor and the head of the school. You will conduct these activities under the
guidance/supervision of the mentor who may be one of your colleagues or the head of the
school. The Mentor/Supervisor will supervise the organization of these activities. You are
required to submit the reports to the Mentor/Supervisor for assessment under the
authentication of the head of the school.
Since the school based activities constitute one of the essential components of the programme
having a weightage of two credits, their evaluation becomes important. It is, therefore,
impressed upon the Mentors and the Supervisors to be fairly objective in assessing your
performance by the help of rating scale.
The assessment of the school based activities is the responsibility of the Supervisor/Mentor. In
this process the Supervisor/Mentor will guide these activities while they are being conducted/
organized by you. For each activity, after it is being organized, you will prepare reports
mentioning the process of organization, difficulties faced, if any, personal experiences about
the conduct of the activity and feedback received from the learners involved. Each report
will be authenticated by the mentor with his/her observations/remarks. The mentor will
pass them on to the supervisor with his/her observations. The supervisor may also observe
some of the activities at the time they are being organized. The final assessment will be
done by the supervisor. S/he will award mark to each activity on the basis of observation of
the mentor and his/her own observations. The supervisor will use appropriate rating scales for
awarding marks to the activities conducted by you. S/he will also make an overall rating of
your activities in a five point scale on your keenness of maintaining records, nature of
suggestion given by you to solve the school based problems, comprehensiveness and clarity
of your reports. After assessing each activity separately, an overall grade will be calculated
for all the activities. The award list will be submitted to the Study centre coordinator for
further necessary action.The reports are to be returned to the teacher trainees to produce
those for verification during the workshop at study centre.

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