Friday, 12 June 2015

Young co-operators prepare the future of leadership Conference theme: Participation​


Young co-operators prepare
the future of leadership

Conference theme: Participation​


Young co-operators from around the world will develop and present a joint statement on leadership during the Alliance’s Global Conference in Antalya.

The statement is the expected outcome of a dedicated session of the Global Conference, during which young people will meet, discuss the challenges and opportunities of co-operative leadership and explore their vision for the future. 

The session will take the form of a People’s Movement Assembly, in order to make the discussions and decision-making as democratic as possible.

Are you 35 years of age or younger and want to participate in the Global Conference? Complete and return this form by 31 August for a reduced rate.

Register for the global conference


Co-operators, please share global conference news
within your region or your sector!

The Antalya 2015 Conference Secretariat
Tel. + 32 2 743 10 30  |  Fax + 32 2 743 10 39


Hosted by the National Cooperative Union of Turkey

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