Monday, 26 January 2015

International Essay Competition 2015

Creative Composition and Essay Competition
(You can write essay, speech, letter or poetry on the given topics)

Theme: The Youth
Born after 1st May 2001 (under 14 years)
1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of being young?
2. Imagine what the world will be like when you are an old person.
3. I am the future!
4. Imagine you are a young person living in a different part of the Commonwealth. What is life like for you?
Word Limit: 500 to 700 words

Born between 2nd May 1996 and 1st May 2001 (14-18 years)
1. What do you hope to achieve in your lifetime?
2. In 2030 you will no longer be young. What changes would you like to see in the world in 15 years’ time?
3. Youth versus experience.
4. Fresh perspectives. What can a young Commonwealth offer?
Word Limit: 1000 to 1400 words

Entry Fee: Free

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