Thursday, 3 October 2013

e-Learning on Disaster Risk Management by NIDM, New Delhi

National Institute of Disaster Management
(Ministry of Home Affairs, New Delhi)

                                 e-Learning on Disaster Risk Management by NIDM,New Delhi

The National Institute of Disaster Management (NIDM) under the Ministry of Home Affairs,
Government of India is offering e-Learning courses on Disaster Risk Management in collaboration with
the World Bank(GFDRR) Washington. The aim of this Programme is to raise the level of Awareness and
Preparedness as well as to enhance analytical skills and professional competencies of distant key
stakeholders in different areas of Disaster Risk Management and Mitigation.

Course Eligibility
• The Basic Course deals with fundamental concepts of Disaster Risk
Management and is open for all those who are interested in acquiring
knowledge on Disaster Management, Mitigation, Prevention, Preparedness etc.
Specialized courses deal with some of the specific focus areas related to DRM.

Course Duration
• For Basic Course – 6 weeks
• For Specialized Courses – 4 weeks each

The other details of courses and Admission procedure can be accessed from the website

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

The Global Open University, Nagaland (TGOU) (TGOUN) June 2013 Result

The Global Open University, Nagaland (TGOU) (TGOUN) June 2013 Result 

Results of TGOU have not being published / announced online for the last 2 or 3 years. So it useless for the students to search for the result or wait of the result to be announced online. Though the official website of TGOU states that results are being published online, these years it is not doing so. 
There may be several reasons for this. 

However, students will get their marksheets through post at the address given in the exam form. 
You can expect to get the marksheet by 30 Oct 2013, provided you gave the correct and exact postal address in the exam form. 
If you do not get the marksheet by 30 Nov 2013, please email or call (on the latest mobile no.) to the TGOU officials at the Delhi Central Dispatch Office. For the email id and mobile no. please visit

We only hope that this year the result be published online also at

Added on 07 Jan 2014
An important FAQ on TGOU Results
Q.1 Why does TGOU do not publish their results online?

Ans 1: TGOU does not have a suitable website to host online results:
This possibility is doubtful because TGOU has more than about half a dozen different websites online, then why can it not afford one good one. It can easily afford.

Ans 2: TGOU does not have expertise to host online results:
This possibility is also doubtful since TGOU already has Computer and IT faculty (School) in the University. So the experts are already available.

Ans 3: TGOU has something to hide so does not publish its results online. (I smell a rat!):
Though there hasn't been a clear proof but this possibility also has a substance. From an unconfirmed sources (a private counsellor of TGOU admission) said unofficially that TGOU officers at New Delhi centre admit students on back date (illegally) and thus provide them a fast track courses. MA, MSc, MBA, BSc, BCA etc can be completed within a six months to 12 months or in 18 months, provided the students has enough gap after the qualifying degree.
Now if TGOU publishes it results online then the possibility of adding the results such fast track students get limited. Thus , TGOU finds it useful not to publish their results online.
 This answer may be true but we cannot say with guarantee. 
Ans 3: Only the officals know why:
There is no doubt in this answer.

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