Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Jubilee Time Capsool, A History Project

Jubilee Time Capsool is running a History Project for students and youth.

Young people from all over the commonwealth send an essay, poem or any other writing peice on any of the below given topics:

Pick a day From 6th February 1952 to the present.
Then, using one of the topics below, tell us about what happened!
1. The day I wore my best clothes.
2. A feast or a festival.
3. An interview with an adult about a significant day in their life.
4. A day's journey.
5. A birth OR a wedding OR a funeral.
6. My response to an event that made the news headlines.
7. A sporting event.
8. The day I met my hero/heroine.
Selected essays are uploaded on the Timeline. The final selection of essays, poems, pictures etc will be presented to the H.H. The Queen on her 60th the anniversary as the Head of the Empire.

For more details click on this image.
JTC - Button

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Online Virtual School

Hello friends,
I recently created an account on educomponline.com It is a K-12 educational platform for students, teachers and parents. There is a seperate account for each one.
I watched several videos on chapters from Science subject. they are just excellent and a great fun. It is really fun to learn.

Friends, if you would like to create an account, please visit www.educomponline.com
You can access many audio-video modules and prepare for exams.

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