Sunday, 9 October 2011

International Essay Competition for Students and Young People

Hi Friends,
Are you fond of Creative Writing?
If you like to participate in an international essay / story / poem competition for a History Project for Commonwealth, here is the right opportunity for you.
Participate in this compeition and earn Certificates, Awards or a free return trip to London!

Pick a day From 6th February 1952 to the present.
Then, using one of the topics below, tell us about what happened!
1. The day I wore my best clothes.
2. A feast or a festival.
3. An interview with an adult about a significant day in their life.
4. A day's journey.
5. A birth OR a wedding OR a funeral.
6. My response to an event that made the news headlines.
7. A sporting event.
8. The day I met my hero/heroine.

AND send it to the Commonwealth Society, London.

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