This is an online Helpsite for Students and Teachers. You get information about courses, especially distance education, from recognised universities and institutes in India and other countries. Your queries regarding recognition of universities or courses are answered. You also get information on books, educational toys etc. and many freebies!!!
Sunday, 23 May 2010
Green Teacher - A New Term
If you are interested in getting a Diploma in Environmental Education (also called Green Teacher Diploma) offered through Distance Education / Online, please visit
This course is recognised by the Govt of India and The Commonwealth of Learning.
Happy Greening!!!
Friday, 21 May 2010
Tips for Developing Reading Habits among Children
Reading does not mean reading only the textbooks. It includes various studying material like newspaper, novels, comics, webs, etc.
It is very essential that parents develop the reading habit of their children right from their infancy.
First of all parents must themselves spend a substantial time reading. If children see their parents reading daily, they understand that reading is not just a part of school curriculum, but is a part of our lifestyle.
Time for T.V. and video games must be reduced and controlled. So that you get time for reading.
All members of the family should get together for reading. If the child in at elementary level, reading aloud also should be encouraged.
Parents should read stories to their children.
Children should be asked to read stories to the parents or younger siblings.
Various books must be readily available in all the rooms of the house.
Get a library membership for all the members of the family.
There are many other ways to promote reading habits.
Today a Reader, Tomorrow a Leader!!!
Monday, 17 May 2010
Email in Education
Using email for/in education is comparatively a recent trend. People who are Computer non-savvy may wonder how a thing like email can be related with education? But it is a simple and well known thing for people who regularly use computer/internet. There are many online universities established all over the world (mostly in USA) which offer courses through online mode. There are many other institutions including traditions ones which also have started such courses. Moreover, all universities and institutions have websites. If visitors, students or others want to contact them, naturally an email will be used.
Online courses are offered in which email plays an important role. There are many networks which offer free email account, namely, Hotmail, Yahoo, Rediff,Gmail etc.
Now-a-days, custom email has got into trend.